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Tag: power (page 4 of 4)

This website was archived on July 20, 2019. It is frozen in time on that date.
Exolymph creator Sonya Mann's active website is Sonya, Supposedly.

We Can All Agree, Right?

“The Internet can move almost any financial instrument as easily as it moves texts and emails. We just need consensus on how this should happen.” — Cade Metz, “The Plan to Unite Bitcoin With All Other Online Currencies”

Of course, needing consensus is a huge obstacle. Arguably, needing consensus is civilization’s defining problem. Complete agreement isn’t necessary, but you need enough to stave off revolution. A sufficiently powerful autocrat can obviate the need for consensus, but only for a limited amount of time — decades, perhaps, but not even a half-century. True cultural shifts depend on majority opinion, and they inch forward like glaciers: slow but unstoppable. The United States wouldn’t have women’s suffrage or civil rights without something approaching mass consensus.

The other day I chatted with Samio Quijote​ about internalized capitalism. For example: if I’m not “productive”, I feel worthless. Economic systems reinforce particular values, which is not bad — it just is. A type of societal consensus emerges from capitalism, or at least it’s an effect of the market. Without a sort of consensus surrounding supply-demand dynamics, there are no prices and commerce must cease. Seeking decentralized consensus, not dependent on explicit agreement but on behavior incentivized by a certain system, is easy. You just set up conditions and see how people react.

Quick Anarchism

The essence of cyberpunk is anti-corporatism. All the other principles follow from this. Technology wielded by a large company must be combated, by the police (hence Ghost in the Shell) or by hackers (hence The Matrix). A corporation is a quasi-governmental economic organization — a power structure that coalesces in favor of profit.

Personally, I am not inherently opposed to market operations. But I am opposed to power beyond oversight, which corporations tend to aggregate for themselves. Why wouldn’t they? We need to provide them with alternative incentives — selfish motivation is key. The system must be constructed so that personal benefit is good for others as well.

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